11 Nov Multiplier event in Lithuania – International practical conference “European Network in Nutrition Education for People with Acquired Disabilities: Experiences and Challenges
On November 11th ENNEADI project team of Siauliai Academy of Vilnius University held the final local Multiplier event on the finalization of main results of the project “European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired Disabilities” (ENNEADI). Researchers presented the results of the project to a wider audience. Welcome speeches were done by Vice-mayor of Siauliai Municipality Egidijus Elijosius and Head of the Institute of Education Siauliai Academy prof. Daiva Malinauskiene. Head of the project prof. Liuda Radzeviciene presented the presentation “Development of a European Nutrition Education Network for Persons with Acquired Disabilities and recommendations for professionals working with persons with acquired disabilities”. Other researchers shared their experiences on nutrition and disabilities, such as “Organization of nutrition, changing the health status of the person, in the process of aging”, “Dietary characteristics in persons with multiple sclerosis” and etc. In the conference attended specialists from different institutions (physical therapists, physicians, social workers, speech therapists, social educators) and stakeholders from higher institutions and municipalities. After the presentations the round table was organized and participants of the Conference shared their experience in the work with persons with disabilities and feeding/nutrition problems. The e-learning platform as a support tool in their everyday work was presented as well.